Creating a challenger brand that helps brands become challengers.
Over the past few years, major tech companies such as Amazon have become so sophisticated in their algorithms that it is hard for others to compete. Depict is here to change that by offering retailers of any size – not only the big ones – premium services powered by artificial intelligence and computer vision. With their product validated and live on multiple retail stores reaching millions of customers each day, Depict felt that their brand was ready for the next chapter too.
The new strategy, tonality, identity and website are tailored for Depict’s journey ahead – scaling up the business, raising more funding ($17M in Series A) onboarding new global customers and recruiting leading AI-talents. In a technical industry filled with complex words, Depict wants to be the humane voice in retail services. Balancing the rational selling points with a premium emotional experience.
Get in touch?
If you want to work with us or have us work for you, we’re always up for a chat and a coffee.
+46 8121 355 81
Sankt Eriksgatan 46A
112 34, Stockholm
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