
More Business. Less Hassle.

Hero Poster


With 99.9% percent of businesses in the US being small businesses, and an average of 4.4 million new businesses starting every year, the need for a tool, or set of tools that lets them focus on their business is apparent. Greatweek is a SaaS service for companies that want to automate their everyday financial operations, take away the hassle of business economics, and focus more on their business.


We created a fully holistic brand with strategy, identity, communication and product design, to make Greatweek step out of the category. It’s a fresh and fun approach but with stability in the expression, with examples like the expressive color palette, the upwards pointing arrow built into the symbol as well as the natural raw-ness of the imagery which contrasts itself to the traditional business imagery you otherwise see in the category. Its a brand for the modern business.

"OKTO really understood the assignment and our challenges, and used their ambition and expertise to build a distinct and coherent brand that appeals to the target market and that grows the brand."

– Daniel Bessmert, Founder of Greatweek


Get in touch?

If you want to work with us or have us work for you, we’re always up for a chat and a coffee.

+46 8121 355 81


Sankt Eriksgatan 46A
112 34, Stockholm
Park here

© 2024 OKTO